Joyride Social Studio

MOther's day SESSION

This was literally a dream session from the lighting of the studio, their outfits, and also them as clients!

First off, I want to say how much I adore Victoria and her almost three year old, Aurora. When Victoria contacted me wanting to do Mother's Day pictures, I felt so thrilled to get to photograph them again, and this time Victoria's mom got to get in front of the camera instead of just being behind the scenes to get Aurora to smile and look at the camera. I photographed Victoria and Aurora's Mommy and Me session for Valentine's Day, and it turned out so beautiful! You can read about their session here! We had the opportunity to use the studio again, and I LOVE the results. It was literally a dream session from the lighting of the studio, their outfits, and also them as clients!

I got to photograph three generations, and I think that is so incredibly special. Aurora was showing so much love towards her mom and grandma, and I got such sweet shots of those fleeting moments. There were so many times as soon as I put my camera down, she would randomly give a hug or kiss to mom or grandma. I did get a great many of it and her being so cute in general! Getting to also photograph Victoria and her mom together was also very important for me. These are the memories that get frozen in time, and kept forever to look back on.

Getting to use the Joyride Social Studio did not disappoint again. The decor was boho with a lot of clean, neutral colors. The lighting is every photographer's dream, so it wasn't hard for me to achieve the look that I love. What made it extra amazing were the outfits they chose to wear. If there is any example from any of my clients about what to wear, this would be the best example! Lighter colors, and neutral or earthy tone colors make for such light and airy photos. I can make a whole blog post on what to wear and how that can affect the way a photograph looks in the future! Not only were the choice in color perfect, but I could tell that Victoria was comfortable in what she was wearing, and she looked so, so beautiful! Honestly it looked so effortless.

Aurora, as always, was the highlight of the entire session! Her infectious energy and playfulness made for such a fun time. Trying to get a toddler to do exactly what you want when you want it is near impossible. I have my own 2 and a half year old, so I am VERY familiar with this. I don't expect to say something, snap snap my camera, and be done. I have to get so creative!! There's a lot of singing, a lot of "where's mommy??", and I think we were even playing hide and seek/peek a boo many times throughout the shoot. I honestly love working with kids and the challenge a little bit, hahaha! It makes for genuine photos of them, and the parents are always surprised what I'm able to capture! (Me too sometimes!!).

I am so, so grateful towards Victoria for trusting in me to capture her family. Three generations of females is so empowering. I know when Aurora grows up, she will have great role models to look up to. I absolutely adore them, and I LOVE how these photos turned out. I feel like I say this all of the time, but these might be some of my favorites to date!