Joyride Social Studio

Family Christmas SESSION

Another chance to photograph one of my favorite families? Yes, please!

We went back to the studio to photograph Christmas portraits for Victoria and her family, and this time I got to meet her dad! At this point, Aurora trusted me to where I was able to get so many of her sweet and genuine smiles from the very start. Just look at how many photos I was able to capture where her smile lights up the entire image right along with her gorgeous mama. Victoria truly makes it look so effortless. I just love the images with her and Aurora together!

Being able to photograph grandparents with their grandchild is so special to me. These are the memories that are going to be looked on and cherished when Aurora is older. There is no greater bond. Based on my own personal experience, Lee and I rank below my mom and my mother-in-law when it comes to my two girls. They light up instantly when I mention they get to spend the night with either their Gaga or Abuela! I think it's such a blessing to have people closest to you love your child with their whole heart. "It takes a village" is the truest statement!

The decor of this studio never ceases to amaze me. Their red outfits complimented the muted greens of the studio so well! It had such a soft and vintage feel that felt like another world when we walked in. The Christmas tree was beautiful, and there even was an old vintage red truck that Aurora took some pictures in! The lighting in the studio is also always on my side as a photographer. The more natural light, the better for me!

I always walk away feeling so great when I finish a session with Victoria and Aurora. Aurora reminds me so much of my oldest daughter, Eliana; I know they would probably get along so well once we can get them to meet! Having two toddlers truly does aid in my photographing families. I know not to expect too much, be super flexible, and just go with the flow. It's funny, because it's the little ones that call the shots in a family session! At this point, Aurora was so used to me and my camera, it was almost too easy! We got through this session so quickly and I was able to get so much variety in their gallery.

I'm very thankful for Victoria as a client. She trusts me to capture what she envisions, and has been coming back for more! This was our fourth session together to wrap up 2023. I can't wait for the opportunity to photograph this family in the future!