Lugoff, SC

Wateree RIver Veterans Park


mother in a blue shirt holds daughter in field in an orange outfit during golden hour
mother in a blue shirt stands behind daughter in field in an orange outfit during golden hour
mother in a blue shirt holds daughter in field in an orange outfit during golden hour

When I say I absolutely adore this mom and daughter, I ADORE Victoria and Aurora!!

Let me take you back to where this all began! I first met Victoria because of my husband, Lee. They are both in the respiratory therapy program, and I guess one day in class she mentioned that she was looking for a photographer in the area to do her family portraits. Lee suggested his awesome and amazingly wonderful wife, of course, and she contacted me not long after that! I felt like there was a sort of pressure when it came to photographing people I know (even through association in this case since it's someone my husband knows) because I wanted to make sure I was meeting expectations, and I didn't want to let anyone down.

I was nervous the first time we met, but that instantly melted when I saw Victoria's welcoming and beautiful smile! She was so friendly and I instantly felt like we connected right away. Our conversations were so effortless, and I felt like we were already friends with how easy I was able to laugh with her and be silly with Aurora.

If you want to read about our previous sessions, I have blog posts about their Valentine's Day Mommy and Me session, and their Mother's Day session if you wanted to read about those too!

This was my first photoshoot of the season, and I was ecstatic about it all. First, because I got to work with them again, but also because Victoria chose to do an outdoor session this time! It took a bit to choose the location because we wanted to get it right, but it was worth it when we ended up picking this one. It was incredibly gorgeous. Wateree River Veterans Park has a big open field, and this time of year the sun sets right behind the tree line. Perfect for what I wanted!

I could tell that Aurora was excited to see me and play since this was now our third session together, and because of that I felt like the session went so smoothly. We played chase, and hide and seek with some of the trees close by. I had her run and hug her mama on multiple occasions which made for the cutest pictures. I find that getting kids to trust and be comfortable around me by being silly and playful is why I get so many variety out of my photos!

Just LOOK at the glow! It was such a beautiful late afternoon, Victoria was beautiful as per usual, and Aurora was having such a great time. Victoria told me that when they got into the car after our session was over, Aurora told her that she had so much fun. Ugh! That warmed my heart right up.

Thank you, THANK you, Victoria, for being one of my sweetest supporters, and for allowing me to continuously capture your beautiful family!

Girl in an orange dress holds a flower by the water
Girl in an orange dress holds a flower by the water