Lexington, SC

Victoria and Aurora

Mommy and Me Session

My goal for this session was to photograph the interaction between Victoria and her Daughter, Aurora. I'm so happy with the sweet moments I was able to capture. As a mom, I treasure photos taken of me with my girls.

When we were in the beginning process of planning Victoria's session, she knew exactly what she wanted, which I love! I'm an insanely indecisive person, so when my client knows what they want, it makes the process so much easier! She knew she wanted pictures with her beautiful daughter, Aurora, that showed the love and bond between them both, and she also knew she wanted it to be Valentine's themed. I had in mind a studio I wanted to use in the past, and the owner, Jess, usually decorates for the different seasons. Lucky for us, she decorates for Valentine's Day and it was absolutely perfect! Not only were we going to have a Valentine's themed shoot, but it was in a studio with beautiful light and big windows, shielding us from the cold and overcast day that January so graciously offered the day of our shoot. Ugh, it was so cold that day.

One of the questions I ask when working with kids, aside from their age, is what catches their attention? What can I, a stranger with a camera, do to get their attention? One of Victoria's answers was that Aurora LOVES Baby Shark. Y'all. So does my daughter, Eliana. Like, it's an ongoing thing in my house, and the song is constantly in my head. In my mind, I got this. Aurora is the same age as my daughter, so I know that all I needed to do is make a fool of myself. Check. Done.

When I met Victoria and Aurora at our session, Victoria was so incredibly patient and kind. She trusted my judgement, and knew I was going to capture what she hoped for! Aurora was shy, but also curious! I felt like she was able to warm up to me quickly, especially with me singing Baby Shark. There are some pictures where she's doing the hand motions if you can spot them!

I think it's important to not only have pictures of Mom with daughter, but also just of Mom. As mothers, we usually don't get the pictures we wish for unless we ask for it, or take it ourselves with our phones. I personally don't have many pictures of just me. Victoria was beautiful, and the pictures I took of her alone showcased her beauty. Her smile and confidence shines through!

I think the session itself went so incredibly well. Victoria and I clicked instantly, and the conversation was so easy. It helps that I have a toddler at home, because I know what to expect when it comes to toddlers and pictures. They will not necessarily stay still long enough for me to take a photo, BUT, the goal is for me to snap quick, and to take many pictures in the chance that when I DO get their attention in that split second, I get it. And that's exactly what I did in between making a fool of myself. I would snap quickly, and I got so many beautiful pictures of Aurora looking at the camera, and of her looking at her beautiful mama.

Enjoy this beautiful Valentine's themed Mommy and Me session!

See another Mommy and Me session Here