

Lifestyle Newborn SESSION

Lifestyle Newborn sesssions may be my favorite type of session to photograph!

Carly is a fantastic RN that I get to work with! She asked me to do a lifestyle newborn session after having her third baby girl, Suttyn. Ohmygoodness I LOVE getting to photograph the people I work with, and getting to see their babies for the first time. Suttyn is the sweetest baby, and the entire session she was super calm and observant. She has the best two older sisters who love her with all their hearts. When I first arrived, and it was time to take pictures with Suttyn, both girls were ecstatic to get to hold her, and quickly got in position to gently hold their baby sister. It is so special getting to see a strong sisterly bond form so early!

What I love to focus on with my at home lifestyle sessions is the family, and how they interact with each other. I try to make it look as though I'm not necessarily the one directing them, but I'm just an observer capturing their life. So a lot of my favorite photos aren't necessarily the ones where everyone is smiling at the camera, but smiling at each other. Hugging each other, interacting with one another. It makes such a difference!

Suttyn's nursery is so adorable. I loved the warm tones and the neutral colors. It made the images feel more homey. I also loved the pop of green in Suttyn's outfit, and Carly's sweater! The girls' outfits were so cute because each of them had a beautiful pop of color that complimented one other.

When we moved to the master bedroom, I was obsessed with how light and airy it felt because of the white comforter and huge windows! I notice that a lot of people I know like to keep their windows closed in the day, including my husband and my best friend. So when I come into the home for a lifestyle session, I tend to tell the family I'm "taking over" and open all the windows in the room I'm shooting in! This lets in so much natural light which gives a more flattering look and feel to the photos.

When Suttyn was hungry and needed a feed break, the girls and I went to play in their playroom while we waited! They are such sweet little humans, and were so excited for me to see all their toys. I think when we started to resume our session, I forgot I had a tiara on my head while we started taking their family pictures again. I laughed so hard at myself because I'm sure I looked ridiculous, but everyone went about the session like normal, haha!

The girls were so wonderful when it was their turn for pictures, even after the break. I know I was asking them to do a bit, and they were so willing to be with their smallest sister, it was actually pretty easy! I absolutely love the shots I got with just the three of them loving on each other. I also loved the photos I took of Carly and Mikey both alone and together with Suttyn. I could feel the love from them!

I left with a huge smile having had the best time hanging out with all the girls. I felt so appreciative of the opportunity to see Carly after she's been on maternity leave, and getting to meet her sweet family. She takes everything with stride, and I even told her I'm taking notes on how she's handling not only having three kids, but three girls! I'm so sure Lee and I are going to have all girls, haha!

I adored this session and this family. Here are some of my favorites from their at home session!