Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach

Pregnancy Announcement

Surprise, ITs a boy!!!

When Sullivan asked me to do their pregnancy announcement, I was SO beyond excited! She's actually my sister-in-law, and we were at the beach doing our annual family vacation for the week. Why not take the opportunity to have a beach session!

This was my first beach session, and because there is no buffer to diffuse the light of the sun, it was a must we had our session at least 1-2 hours before sunset so the sun wouldn't be too harsh on their faces causing really harsh shadows and squinty eyes. We actually ended up doing the photo session towards the end of our beach trip, so the entire week I was analyzing: where is the sun at this point of the day, where is it going to be, what is the weather going to be like, is it best to do it today or tomorrow, are there going to be a lot of people on the beach when we're ready to do them? Was I able to rest and relax while on vacation? Kind of, haha! Yes I still was, but there were so many thoughts going through my head! I didn't want to mess this up for them and lose our chance with the weather acting up or whatever else. Sullivan and Zach were super go-with-the-flow, so that was very helpful! The stress I was feeling was entirely all me.

When we got to the beach for their session, there were more people than I expected, but I guess it wasn't entirely full. I did have to get extremely creative on where I placed them, making sure the sun wasn't hitting their faces. I was able to hide a group of people behind their bodies in a few of them and turn them to where it didn't seem like anyone was at the beach for most of them! I think at one point, if I turned my body slightly to the left or right, I would have gotten shots with men with their fishing poles. It was a tight space I had to work with, but we were successful nonetheless!

What they wore for their session was AMAZING! I didn't have to guide them on what to wear, and their outfits were exactly what I would have told them. Perfection! I love the lightness of the color blue to celebrate having a boy. I also love the beautiful pattern on Sullivan's dress. It was light and flowy, and fit exactly with the light and soft color style I tend to gravitate towards. Zach's outfit was also simple and exactly what I would have suggested to wear. They did fantastic, and I would definitely be using them as examples for future clients!

As a family, we are extremely excited to have a boy in the family! As far as grandchildren for my mother and father-in-law, my two girls are it. It will be such a fun experience having a boy in the mix. This will be mine and Lee's first nephew as first-time aunts and uncles. Usually when a baby starts crying, the family hands them back to me or Lee because it's ours, haha! Now, we get to be the ones to give them back! I cannot wait. I also can't wait to have a newborn in the family again. I love the newborn stage so much (minus the sleep deprivation as parents), and to get to experience that again through family is going to be so special.

I'm so excited for Zach and Sullivan!! I love that Eliana and Soraya are going to have another boy cousin to grow up with (other than Ezra!) and Soraya won't be the baby in the family anymore!
