Lexington, SC

Price's Christmas Tree Farm

Maternity Session

Kristen and I knew each other prior to her maternity session! We're both nurses and graduated from the same nursing class. We were both pregnant with our baby girls at the same time, only about two weeks apart, so we were able to share our excitement and our experiences together. We would share the love we felt towards our girls, and we would give each other words of encouragement when times were tough.

Now, both of us going through a second pregnancy in similar time, dealing with a toddler while pregnant was also something we had in common. How is it that toddlers have that much energy?? And when you're pregnant, all the energy is depleted from our bodies? So really, we are all just surviving, haha. I ended up having my second girl last month in October, and I am SO excited for Kristen and her family to experience their love expand to a sweet baby boy!

When Kristen reached out to me about doing a maternity session, I was so excited! I was even more excited with her idea of doing it at a Christmas tree farm. I found one here in Lexington, SC that I loved. The owners were the most responsive to my many emails, and so gracious to let me look around a couple months prior to see if it was where I'd want to shoot. Such a great decision!! From their beautiful, tall trees, to the way the sun set, it led to one of my favorite sessions and favorite images!

We actually decided to reschedule our original session day because of a 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms. Being the most flexible and easygoing person, Kristen was more than willing to have a rainy photoshoot! I was more hesitant, haha. Ultimately, we did reschedule, and I'm so glad we did! Instead of dealing with constant rain and incredibly dark skies, we had a clear blue and gorgeous day! It was slightly chilly, but we made it through. And sweet Caroline was a trooper the entire time!

Kristen claims that her and her husband, Christopher, don't feel natural in front of a camera, but I think they did fantastic. I can see their love through their photos. And their daughter, Caroline, was so great throughout. She was incredibly shy at first, but she eventually warmed up to me. It's always a win as a photographer if we can get at least ONE good smile from a toddler for mom and dad. I was able to capture several!

This baby boy will make his appearance very soon and I know he will be so loved! Getting to see Caroline as a big sister will be such a blessing. Congratulations, Kristen and Christopher! Sleepless nights are ahead again, but having gone through it once before does help a good bit! I love the saying, "The days are long, but the years are short". It makes me remember that the hard days won't last forever, but to also cherish the moment in time we're in.

see another maternity session here