Irmo, SC

Irmo Town Park


photographing older boys is much different than photographing toddlers and babies like I'm used to! The session went so smoothly and quickly; I was able to get so much done in our hour long session!

Raychel is such a sweet friend and former coworker of mine from when I worked at my last job as a medical-surgical nurse. She is truly a light that shines whenever she walks into any room with her bright smile, and always bubbly and positive attitude! We got along instantly because I've been told I come across similarly to others, so to have someone match my energy (maybe even more!) made for fantastic night shifts when we worked together. Life has thrown her tribulations I personally wouldn't know how I would recover from, but she chooses everyday to be a positive light constantly with a caring nature to match.

When she asked me to photograph her family, I was excited because I haven't photographed two older boys yet. And I also was looking forward to seeing her after a couple years have gone by. When I photograph families, I usually have toddlers or babies that I usually have to act silly and look crazy in order for them to look in my general direction for a snap second. It was such a shift in what I was used to, I was hoping I would be interesting and "cool" enough to hold their attention!

When I first got to Irmo Town Park, the weather was gorgeous, and the sun was shining through the trees dreamily. I found the spot I wanted to put them first, but had some reservations because there was a decent hill. I try to be at or above my clients if there is a hill, and this location would put them higher from where I'd have to stand. No bueno, but it was just an option I saw quickly when I scouted the park. When everyone arrived, the spot I initially picked was being sprayed with huge sprinklers! I was thinking, welp, that solved my reservations. The sprinklers greatly limited my location choices, but I think the spot by the gazebo was a great pick. It was on flat, even ground, I still had enough shade with some sun peeking through, and I could tell it was fall from all the color changing trees behind them.

Raychel and Shane were, of course, so great! Raychel and I were catching up and laughing, and I learned that Shane works at the same hospital I do now. We've passed each other a time or two! The boys were sweet and ready for me to tell them what they needed to do. It was such a great feeling to be able to photograph a family picture with everyone looking my way in the first few snaps rather than taking five-ten minutes of calming a toddler and getting their attention to look my way. I felt like I was able to move on so much faster and I was able to get even more variety for Raychel's gallery!

When I asked, Raychel told me she would love just a picture of her with her boys, a walking picture of the entire family looking at each other, and a picture of Raychel and Shane smiling towards one another. I always ask during the booking process if there is a photo you HAD to have, what would it be. I use this to help me guide each session to make sure that I get exactly what my client is expecting from me. I had Raychel's ideas in mind the entire time, and I feel like I was able to capture each one, and I love every single one of them!

There is SO much love in this family. Ryan and Hayden were so respectful, and once I got them out of their shell a bit, I was able to capture more of their personalities! Shane and Raychel were the best in trusting in me to tell them what to do and where to go. The love they have for each other is the sweetest. I loved that Raychel had faith in me to be able to capture her family. It also gave us a chance to come together for an hour and catch up on our lives. I see her on socials, but it was so great talking with her in person again. She is truly (truly) an angel on this earth. I cannot stress this enough. I love her and her beautiful soul.

Thank you, Raychel and Shane!

Here are some of my favorites from their gallery!