Lexington, SC

Gibson Pond Park

First Birthday

I can't believe Ezra is a one year old toddler!!

I consider him and his parents a part of my family because of how close we all are. Victoria and I first met in college where we both graduated as registered nurses. Lee and Dylan met because of our friendship, and we all realized they had a lot of similar, nerdy interests! I remember our senior year of college, we were talking about anything and everything, and one of the topics we would talk about was our future kids. Victoria mentioned she imagined having all girls, and I imagined having all boys. Funny how life works with her having a son, and me having two girls. We wouldn't have it any other way, and I think that's what makes our relationship with each other's kids that much more special.

It took a little bit to get Ezra's first birthday photos done because one thing his mom and I have in common (and probably why we are best friends, because we understand each other in many ways) is the art of procrastination. But we got it done! And I love how they turned out! We ended up doing both an outdoor session and an indoor session (his mom also couldn't decide which she would prefer to do; also something we have in common, haha!) and I loved how different each session was.

When we did his outdoor session, it was actually dark and gloomy, and the forecast called for rain. So, the clouds were thick and heavy. We ended up doing it anyways, and Victoria still loved Ezra's pictures! We went to Gibson Pond Park which is a very familiar spot for me. I like going there to take pictures (both for clients and casual photos of my family), and I also love walking on the trial they have there and on the beautiful bridge. For his indoor session, we opted for simple and sweet. I love a minimalist style! I love indoor sessions because the lighting is much more consistent, and I'm able to be more creative, I feel, by playing around with lighting. Honestly, I could go on and on about outdoor vs. indoor sessions. I'll plan on blogging a comparison between the two in the future!

Ezra is such a sweet boy. He is adventurous, and independent, and loving, and super smart. He's best friends with my daughter, Eliana, and loves to take care of my youngest, Soraya. He loves Bluey! We actually all love Bluey as a whole, and we even had Bluey watch parties when new episodes would come out on Disney+. He is so, so loved by his parents, and he is such an amazing growing little boy. I can't wait to do his two year photos!

Outdoor Session

Indoor Session