I left the session with such a huge smile on my face

I got to photograph Chrissy and her family for her fall and Christmas photos! I work with Chrissy in the NICU, and she's one of my many favorite RT's to work with. I would trust her with my kids in a heartbeat. She's fiery, incredibly smart, and makes me laugh constantly! She actually asked me to photograph her son's first birthday back in July, and those turned out so sweet. Chrissy wanted me to photograph her family after loving her son's first birthday photos, and we finally got it done!

This was my first family of five, and I loved every second of it! I got to meet the oldest daughter who I loved so much. Lily's personality was EVERYTHING, and I lived for every second of the hour I got to spend with her. She's such a confident girl with the best amount of sass. I got to meet Evelyn as a sweet toddler; I was one of her nurses when she was born, and she was the sweetest thing! I loved getting to see her as a big girl. And I got to photograph Ezra again! Just like his first birthday session, he was the most tough to crack a smile, but I at least got him looking at me at times! He's such a lovable boy that just loved being held by mom, and thrown in the air by dad!

We chose to photograph her family pictures at Gibson Pond Park in Lexington, SC. It was such a gorgeous day, and the sun was setting exactly where I wanted once we got started. I remember having to sing a song, wave my hands in the air, and make all the sounds and noises in order for all the kids to look at me at the same time. I snap FAST in hopes to catch all eyes looking at the camera at the same time. And I got so many shots of everyone looking my way because of that! I felt so accomplished when I got home, and was looking through all of the images.

I absolutely love the photos of Chrissy and Alfonso taking pictures with each kiddo. It gave each kid their moment to shine, and I love the interactions with each one because the love is so clearly seen. The ones with just Chrissy and Alfonso are also my favorites. I love getting to photograph the parents so they have photos of just themselves! Getting photos of the kids alone was so fun even though I wasn't able to get too much. At this point it was after taking so many pictures, so I tried to just follow the kids where they wandered to get natural moments since I could tell standing still and smiling was asking for a lot!

The outfits Chrissy chose for this family session was exactly what I would go for. Neutrals and warm toned browns. Very fall, and it photographs beautifully. They did end up having a second outfit change towards the end of the shoot for Christmas photos, but at that point the littlest one was letting us know he was all done, and I know the girls were too! So we tried to get as much as we can in the short amount of time. I think they also turned out nice!

I feel so flattered when I have people I work with that trust me to take their photos. I don't take it lightly, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity each and every time! Chrissy is someone I think of highly, so it's such a compliment when she loves what I am able to give her. This was such a great session with a sweet, go-with-the-flow family. I left the session with such a huge smile on my face. I got hugs from both girls, and Ezra may or may not have smiled at me goodbye!

Here are some of my many favorites from this family session!