Lexington, SC

Gibson Pond Park

Maternity Session

Amber and Ray are good friends of ours! Lee and Ray met when they went through the Fire Academy back in 2019. And once they developed a friendship, Amber and I got to know each other. We both went through pregnancies and losses together and we've kept such a close bond because of it all.

This pregnancy has not been the easiest for her, especially having to chase around her sweet and hyperactive 1 year old toddler, Jack! It was a gamble whether or not I would get pictures of him because he was constantly moving, but thankfully, with a fast shutter speed, I did!

We chose Gibson Pond Park because it was by the water, which was one of the things she mentioned she would love to have in her pictures. The weather was not in our favor and incredibly dark when we got there. Amber's wonderful go-with-the-flow attitude was fine with anything and everything, and trusted me to do what I needed to do to make her maternity session turn out just fine! And that it did!

Look how they turned out!